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Always be who you are and don't hide your feelings. It doesn't mean you need to be rude but at least you give a chance to other people know what do you think in a nice way

01 January 2011


I'm confused. Yes the feelings is confusing. I felt is so happy that it can bring me to the top of a mountain. But when I dont feel happy it makes my mind so confused with many Q&A that came across my mind. 

Bad girl makes a bad decision maybe. Should I just don't bother too much and just be happy. Will it bring a bad consequences to others? Kinda confused and confused. The unhappy part was the most part that I shud get rid off. Telling myself there are many beautiful things out there and I knew it is.  

Oh god...Guide me and give me wisdom in handling everything. Feelings shouldnt take over all of me. I shud know how to handle it. And I shud be able to handle it. However its all over me. 

Trying to find answers and when u got the answers u are confused.Need someone to help me get through it. Laugh at myself for that. Hope my confused mind wont be too long.